
This tree is in my backyard. I can see it from every window at the back of my house. It has the prettiest white flowers in the spring. Yet it kind of fades into the background during the other seasons, but it has always stuck out to me. I'm not sure why. I think the vines that grew up its trunk and into its branches always bothered me.

So, one day a couple weeks ago when I was struggling with what to do with my own pile of frustration I took a little hand saw and started sawing away at the base of those vines. I'm not sure what I hoped to accomplish, but this morning looking out my kitchen window I noticed those dead vines hanging from its branches and those scars along it's trunk and I'll be honest there was some satisfaction.

This verse has been laying heavy on my heart lately:

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." John 15:1-2

Sometimes we let the wrong vines grow in our own lives. We keep growing, but we don't realize our growth is stunted. Our Father in Heaven does and much like me seeing this tree from my kitchen window, He sees you. Regardless of what is going on around you, He sees you. He loves you and so He goes out and clears away what is not bearing fruit in you. Why? Because He knows your potential. He knows your purpose. He knows what you can do without those vines.

I'm looking at this tree I can't help but hear that there is beauty in the scars.

Some of you might look at those scars left by those vines on my tree and say they're ugly, but as I'm looking at this tree I can't help but hear that there is beauty in the scars. However, if you're like me, it's hard to hear that about your own scars. It's hard to hear about the beauty beyond the hurt of what caused your own scars. I'll tell you what I keep telling myself you're now free to grow. To flourish. To bloom. You survived. Those scars are your testimony. They are part of your love story between a Heavenly Father and a beloved child, He will never stop pursuing (pruning) you.

Shake off the dead vines and abide in the true vine and bear much fruit.


Sarah Portner-Shillingburg

Sarah is a single mom of three active boys. She grew up in the hills of West Virginia, and loves to spend her time outside exploring God's creation with her boys.